Quit Your Job… and Stay Quit
Leave your job without worrying about how you will pay the bills, even if you struggle with self-confidence and are not a “natural born hustler”.
I’ll never forget the day I got this letter in the mail:
I thought to myself… “How did this happen?”
Two years prior, I had left my job. I thought I was FREE. I thought that I had done everything I needed to do. I’d burned the boats, taken the plunge, gone all-in on my passion, and pumped myself up with all of the positive thinking I could muster. I KNEW I could do it!
Fast forward to 2008…I ran out of cash.
And I maxed out my credit cards.
And then I lost my tenant in my (leveraged) rental property. Which now meant I had TWO mortgage payments to cover.
The fear was so thick and so primal that it felt like a pair of invisible hands closing around my throat.
I tried to throw more positive thinking and creativity at the problem. I only owed a few thousand dollars to the bank. Surely, it seemed, I should be able to scrape the money together.
Problem was, my bank account was already overdrawn.
And I had no income.
I tried to reassure myself that everything was going to be okay, but I was out of time.
My delusional optimism was collapsing and I couldn’t positive-think my way out of the mess I’d made.
I was losing my house.
I clung to any hope that I could conjure up. Surely, my big break was just around the corner! I would just need to land a $20,000 project in the next 30 days. All I needed to do was get myself in the right frame of mind, and money would be drawn to me like a magnet.
But my gut knew what my mind didn’t want to admit. I had made some really bad decisions that I was about to pay for.
The worst part: I had it easy. I was unmarried with no kids. I was in good health. I had a college degree. I was just past 30, in the prime of my life. There was no excuse for screwing things up so badly. I was humiliated and I felt like a disgrace. I started to fear that the naysayers had been right all along: maybe I just wasn’t cut out for running my own business.
Maybe, I thought, I should have just resigned myself to being content with an average paycheck and an average life.
Things went downhill from there, and it took me ten years to rebuild my life. But I’m back now, and I’m determined to use my experience to help others.
My name is Dave Baldwin. I’m the founder of Baldwin Systems.
If you know that you are meant to be doing bigger things…
If people have told you to “go for it,” but you feel terrified of what could go wrong…
If you’ve spent into the tens of thousands on coaching programs with little or no results…
If it seems like some people are just “natural-born hustlers” and you wish you’d gotten some of those genes yourself…
If you struggle with speaking up or feel socially awkward, especially when it comes time to promote yourself…
Then I’m here to share with you the practical tools that could set you free.
WITHOUT betting the farm on positive thinking.
WITHOUT “faking it till you make it.”
WITHOUT massive irresponsible “leaps of faith.”
Let me share a bit about how I came to create this course.
For most of my life, I was all talk and no action.
I would come up with an endless stream of big ideas, but I rarely took any practical steps to bring them to fruition.
I NEVER stayed committed. I would fixate on an idea for as long as it felt exciting, then move onto the next big idea. And I never got a damn thing done.
I relied on external pressure to keep me motivated. I chronically put off tasks until the last minute. I could never stay focused or prioritize. My head was perpetually filled with unfinished projects, not to mention the shame of broken promises and the people I’d let down.
The worst part was the depression and total lack of confidence. I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. So I checked out from reality. I spent every hour of my spare time eating, sleeping, smoking cigarettes, and playing video games.
By the age of twenty-one, my weight had ballooned to 300 pounds.
I never cleaned or vacuumed my apartment. A plumber came to fix a leak and told my landlord that my apartment was the dirtiest place he’d ever seen.
I let dirty dishes pile up in the sink.
I went days without showering, to the point where my coworkers complained to the boss about my personal hygiene. People began to keep their distance.
I chronically overslept and showed up for work an hour late or more, and I came dreadfully close to losing my job.
My self-worth was in the toilet.
Needless to say, the idea of asking a woman out on a date was not even something I considered.
But I still tried to find a better way. In the seat of my soul, a part of me knew that a better life was possible.
I read self-development books. I attended workshops. I took classes. I listened to books on tape. (I’m barely old enough to remember when audiobooks still came on cassette tapes!)
I learned to make myself feel good by thinking positively. I managed to find little bursts of motivation here and there.
I learned to puff myself, just enough to think I was cured of my dreaming habit. I would think up The Next Big Idea (or sometimes The Next Seminar) and think, “Eureka! THIS is finally the answer!”
Of course, the story always played out the same way. I would grow bored and repeat the cycle again.
My lack of follow-through was keeping me in a self-made prison.
Being laid off from my job forced me to shift gears. I went back to school and finished my degree.
I came to learn a few things about myself:
I could make things happen remarkably fast, when I absolutely had to.
People were impressed by how smart I was and how much I could accomplish, on the rare occasions when I applied myself.
When I managed to stay focused on one thing at a time, I became amazingly productive.
Yet, most of the time, I returned again and again to my old habit of idle dreaming, starting 1,000 projects, finishing none, and living in a fantasy world.
I felt like a fraud.
Over the years, depression festered into rage. I became quick-tempered and began to randomly fly off the handle and go into screaming fits. Or I would fire off angry emails and ruin relationships.
I looked back at the rare moments when I’d pulled it together and gotten focused, wondering why I couldn’t return to that elusive and magical seat of power, charisma and unstoppable productivity I’d briefly enjoyed.
I hated my life and I wanted to die. I often went to bed thinking that it would be great if I never woke up.
I thought starting my own business would be the ticket.
Fast forward to 2007. I had become burned out and disillusioned at my job.
People had been telling me for years that I needed to be bolder and take more risks.
So I thought, “what the heck.”
I thought that if I threw my hat over the fence, then maybe I’d have no choice but to finally grow a pair. Maybe entrepreneurship would provide the magic dust I needed to get moving.
So I quit my job, packed my bags, moved to Raleigh, North Carolina, and went “all-in” on my dream.
But I failed, because I lacked the necessary foundation of self-discipline. I thought that if I could just dream up enough big ideas, then I’d cook up something brilliant enough to compensate for my lack of integrity and commitment.
Even losing my house wasn’t enough to burst my bubble of denial.
I crashed on a friend’s couch and had no money to pay rent. I had to scrounge up whatever amounts of paying work I could find, just to buy food and put gas in my car.
Week after week, I would manage to pull a rabbit out of a hat and find just the amount of cash I needed to get by.
I continued to maintain the fantasy that my big break was just around the corner. The pattern grew progressively worse.
My depression grew more severe, and I began to feel a loss of hope and a new kind of dull bitterness setting in. I began to question my fundamental worth as a human being. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I felt fundamentally broken.
After a roller coaster of unstable and low-paying jobs, I finally settled into an 8-5 job and tried to re-establish some stability. I soon became disgusted with myself for taking the easy way out, but I couldn’t figure out what else to do.
The Problem of Discipline
Over the years, I had gone to countless seminars and learned various tools and techniques. During one dark night of the soul, I reflected on why I had nothing to show for all of the studying.
I had gone to church, read the Bible, and practiced various prayer and meditation tools.
I had read books like Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Artist’s Way, The Slight Edge, The Compound Effect, and many, many others.
At one point, a pattern finally started to reveal itself to me.
Everything I’d read depended on CONSISTENCY and STABILITY.
That’s a problem when you have a personality like mine. I’m not wired for consistency or stability. I’m bored to tears by both. I’m happier when I’m bouncing around to different things.
No matter how many ways I tried to force myself to stick with one thing for the long haul, I just couldn’t seem to do it.
I’d tried asking other people to hold me accountable. I’d paid coaches and therapists. I tried posting on Facebook, hoping that the threat of public humiliation would motivate me. But at the end of the day, I felt like the proverbial zebra trying to change its stripes.
Was there simply no hope for people like me?
The Strange Untraveled Path
There came a point where my whole life finally started to make sense.
I wasn’t broken and I wasn’t lazy. I didn’t even have a self-confidence problem.
I was trying to use strategies that were designed for someone else.
For my whole life, I had always found the most success when I’d followed the beat of my own drum.
But I let other people talk me out of my best ideas.
I had taken advice from the wrong sources and attempted to blindly apply formulas that went against the way I was wired.
I tried to copy what successful people did, and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get the same results.
Eventually, I came realize that there was no off-the-shelf system for me. If I wanted a system that would keep me motivated, my only hope was to design something for myself.
I set to work developing what I’m about to share with you now.
An Offbeat Performance System
Eventually, after many sessions of free-writing, brainstorming, and experimenting, I saw the picture slowly start coming into focus.
I realized that my inherited way of thinking was rooted in tribalism and the survival instinct.
-To focus on winning approval and recognition from other people.
-To follow SOMEONE ELSE’s proven formula.
-To compare my results to those of other people.
-To look perfect, showing only my successes and hiding my failures.
-To NEVER admit weakness or uncertainty.
-To suppress critical thinking and just execute furiously.
I finally realized that I could “flip the script” and build a system that would do the exact opposite of what I had learned:
-I would play a game of MY design, with MY scoreboard, by MY rules.
-I would focus on winning MY OWN approval and not give a shit about anyone else’s.
-I would experiment, tweak, and incrementally improve MY formulas.
-I would speak authentically, celebrating my successes and failures alike.
Using the principles I’m about to share with you in this course:
-I returned to full-time self-employment in October 2020 and have remained financially stable ever since
-And I developed a method for controlling compulsive eating with no increase in willpower.
But I’m only just getting started. In fact, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Why I’m Sharing This System
I created my company to help the people out there like me. I wanted to help the hopeless creatives out there with no way to get their brilliant ideas off the ground.
It pisses me off to see genuinely good people put their heart and soul into their work, only to watch lazy and arrogant douchebags take all of the credit and the lion’s share of profits.
It saddens me to see people with good hearts lose hope because they tried, again and again, to sell their passion without success.
What Difference Could it Make if You Were REALLY Free to “Be Yourself”?
If you have gotten in trouble for coloring outside the lines…
If you are tired of being forced to do things “the way it’s done around here”…
If you have great ideas that are dying on the vine from lack of support and resources…
…then I’m here to show you how to get the best of both worlds.
…my simple and practical framework for creating economic security on YOUR terms, doing work that fulfills YOUR highest potential.
Introducing Escape 8 to 5
In this course, you will learn how to build a system for yourself that allows you to:
-Find the intersection of what fills your bank account and what feeds your soul
-Cultivate natural optimism without pumping yourself up with motivational BS
-Attract ride or die” business allies who believe in you and dig your bizarre quirks
-Gain access to the knowledge, expertise, and resources of your network
-Learn to convey disruptive, unfamiliar, and counterintuitive ideas in a way that resonates with others and generates buy-in
-Knock out your daily commitments in minimal time so that you can get back to doing what you love as often as possible
-Create a system to capture ALL of your crazy ideas and infuse each one with a life force of its own
-Do the work you’ve been wanting to do, that everyone else insisted would never work
The Escape 8 to 5 course is NOT for Everyone
If you are looking for someone to just tell you exactly what to do, step by step…
If you are a “lone wolf” and you see collaboration as annoying,
If you are a control freak and obsess over the fear of someone ripping off your ideas,
If the idea of sharing tricks of the trade with a competitor is downright offensive to you…
Or if you think that being highly skilled and talented gives you the right to act like an asshole…
Then this course isn’t for you.
If you have an endless stream of creative ideas and lack the resources to act on them…
If you feel undervalued, overlooked, and underpaid at your job…
If you’re willing to try different recipes for success and tweak the methods to your own taste by following your instincts…
If you’re willing to share and teach what you learn…
And if you’re willing to join a rogue bunch of misfits and offbeats who band together against the bullies, the thieves, and the con artists of the world…
Then I have something that could change your life.
Imagine if Every Day was an Adventure
Have you ever had an adventure that you wished could never end?
Maybe it was a vacation to a really cool place.
Maybe you just met some amazing people and you all really clicked.
Maybe you just got into your groove and started creating from a seemingly magical state of mind.
Imagine waking up every morning, excited about your plans for the day.
Imagine enjoying a delicious breakfast with really close friends who make you laugh, wanting to savor the experience but also excited about the trip into town, the big presentation, or going water-skiing.
Imagine ending every day with your heart overflowing with bliss, feeling lucky beyond measure at getting to live such an amazing life.
Imagine feeling so clear and so certain of your inner compass that you could go anywhere and do anything without ever having to second-guess yourself.
Imagine feeling an inner conviction so solid and deep that no one can ever talk you out of your dreams again.
Imagine the end of your life, looking out at the world and knowing that the world will be a happier place because of the difference you left behind.
That’s the gift I want to make available to the world. Stay tuned!
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